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Beautify Your Mind - Thanks to You We Are Beautifying Both Walls and Minds

We understand these are difficult times and unprecedented measures have been seen across the globe while we all try to heal and maintain our humanity. Beautify Earth has seen challenging times an opportunity to bring our communities closer together when needed the most. 

Now more than ever a sound mind and positivity are needed. We have created an opportunity to showcase your artistic or creative abilities. We are encouraging everyone to provide what you are thankful for and what motivates you and showcase it to the world, so that they might find some inspiration in it and find their own, 

We’ve been a leader for our community in the past and we will take it upon ourselves to be a leader now and in the future. We’ve believed that activating community and caring for a community have reciprocating value and not only improve it aesthetically but also spiritually.

A Message from Beautify Education Director

& Beautify Your Mind Program Founder

As a kid I wasn’t able to express my anger, if I did, it would most likely end up in punishment and I’d feel tremendous guilt disrespecting my parents.  Creating art has always helped me turn darkness into light. I would use my anger as a catalyst to express myself through action, to draw, color and write. Art allowed me to transition my anger into a more colorful world of imagination and beauty. Art gives me permission to feel all my emotions, gives me permission to be human, with all my colors.  Beautify Your Mind was born out of the anger and frustration of knowing that my world had been transformed over night by CoVID19 and was killing people, leaving them to die alone in hospital rooms with no one holding their hand. There was nothing I could do about it.  I knew I needed to turn these feelings into something I COULD do, Art. I want to use my mission of bringing murals to the world to invite others to turn their feelings into art, to Beautify THEIR Minds.  Daniela Torres Mattus

These difficult times have only proven how strong our Humanity can be and how important it is that we express that on a daily basis. Its evident now more than ever that Art is a cure in times like this as many submit beautiful/thoughtful artworks for our program, and also on the streets and communities we use to frequent. Public Art is now more evident and important as ever. Artists are here to remind us of this a little each day. Art never closes for business.

We are still taking submissions, send us you art with an inspirational quote (any media goes) to

Thank you for your submissions, we look forward to sharing more!


Beautify Earth


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