Art for all
Our movement networks artists, volunteers, and leaders around the idea that physical change through art creates wellness and positive emotional living experiences. Together we create visual change that resonates positive change through the urban fabric.
In partnership with the Beautify Earth Agency, who oversees mural campaigns and brand partnerships, we are dedicated to making art more accessible and supporting artists and the larger creative economy.
Interested in donating or learning more?
Want to manage your own project?
We believe everyone should have the tools to connect and create art. Beautify puts the power in your hands to discover, hire, and collaborate with artists.​
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The word is out!
Beautify has been featured in some serious publications
Kirsten Gillibrand,
US Senator
"I would like to thank Beautify Earth for the work they have done to help revitalize and empower the community as it continues to recover from Hurricane Sandy."
Pam O'Connor, Santa Monica Mayor
"Their work has inspired the community and created a colorful street from what was an eyesore for decades."
We've all got something we stand for.
Explore how Beautify helped these brands make a statement.